photo: KUTSUNA Koichiro, Arecibo
During the term of the Triennale, Hibino will organise events wherein visitors board a seed-formed ship called ‘TANeFUNe’ that will drift down the Arakawa river. He is also planning a related exhibition and a participatory workshop on a separate site. Documentary footage of the earlier sails will be screened here.
photo: KITA Naoto
HIBINO was born in 1958 in Gifu Prefecture. He graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from the Tokyo University of the Arts and now resides in Tokyo. Hibino conducts collaborative projects with people in local areas, pursuing systems by which art can be made to function in society. His art projects tend to throw the spotlight on the strengths of their viewers. Major art projects include the “Day After Tomorrow Morning Glory Project,” “Project for the Museum of Seabed Inquiry Ship” and “the ASIA DAIHYO Project.” He currently serves as Professor in the Department of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts and as a director of the the Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu.