He will produce installation work based on his findings from commuter’s trains in Saitama and their windows which light and shadow reflected on and life and landscape seen from, as well as photographic works that can change according to the locals’ voice.
OOZU was born in 1973 in Osaka and currently resides in Yokohama. With photography as his medium of choice, he examines the endeavors of man in landscapes. Representative works include his “Sequences of Light” series, in which he pursues light and shadow in the familiar scenery captured in the windows of trains and buses, and his “Panoramic Window” series. He held solo exhibitions including “Afterglow” (POETIC SPACE, Tokyo, 2016) and “Sequences of Light” (Galerie PARC, Kyoto, 2014). He also joined “Fly me to the AOMORI” (Aomori Museum of Art, 2015) and “Waiting for the First Train” (Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo, 2012).
2016年4月23日(土) 開場:16:30 開会:17:00-18:30
さいたまトリエンナーレ2016参加作家 大洲 大作さんによる「アーティストトーク&市民参加型プロジェクトのプレゼンテーション」を行います。